Attack on Titan is a popular Japanese manga and anime series that has captured the hearts of millions of fans worldwide. One aspect of the Attack on Titan fandom that has gained popularity is the use of Profile Pictures or PFPs. The story takes place in a world where humanity…
Anime have all kinds of characters, be it heroes or villains. Male and female both types of characters are equally popular among fans. Among all of these breathtaking characters, female anime characters have their own fan following. These Female anime characters are often called “anime waifu” by fans. ‘Wifeu’ is…
Demon Slayer has taken the anime world by storm, captivating audiences with its stunning animation, gripping plot, and dynamic characters. One particular aspect that sets this series apart is its portrayal of female characters. Often, anime overlooks or underdevelops female characters, relegating them to mere fanservice or two-dimensional props. But…
As an anime enthusiast, you may find delight in compiling the top matching anime PFPs. Using a matching PFP can be a charming and enjoyable way to display your friendship or relationship with another person. It demonstrates the depth of your connection with them and fosters the growth of your…
Anime has been extremely popular for several decades while managing to garner a huge fanbase throughout its many genres. With so many fans with a variety of interests, it was only a matter of time before these anime extend to anime games. Android phones have the largest market globally, which…