The anime community is buzzing with excitement over rumors that a sequel to the popular anime “Noragami” is in the works, produced by Studio Bones. This highly anticipated news follows years of speculation and fan demand for the continuation of the series. Noragami anime sequel allegedly in production according to…
Renowned animator and filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki, co-founder of Studio Ghibli and creator of many beloved animated films, is working on a new project. This new work promises to be a nostalgic adventure story. This exciting revelation was announced by none other than his son, Goro Miyazaki, during the special advance…
So, you’ve caught the cosplay bug. You yearn to don an anime-inspired ensemble, but your budget falls short for a professional costume. Your artistic abilities, time, or motivation aren’t enough to create one from scratch. Fear not! Thanks to this guide, you can still attend the next convention dressed as…
Cosplay can be quite a journey. It may seem simple at first—you adore a character and wish to become that character. But it involves a complete transformation from head to toe: experimenting with wigs, playing with hair dye, taking care of your skin, mastering makeup skills; either sewing, creating, or…
Every otaku’s dream is to be a part of a fantasy world, especially to be the hero and the most powerful. But for Cid Kagenou, it was quite the opposite; his aspiration was always to operate behind the scenes and orchestrate every plan as the mastermind. The Eminence in Shadow was…