Berserk is one of the longest-run manga on Earth. Berserk is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kentaro Miura. This series began in the early 1980s and has inspired fans with rich characters, twisty plots and blood-slicing combat.
As regarded as the finest horror anime movie on the market, Berserk has some truly terrifying demons in anime world.
Quick Plot: Guts battles a demon called the Apostle in his role, hunting these monsters who are hungry for human life. Meanwhile, Guts is hunted by a supernatural mark which attracts demons and spirits. Destiny itself conspires against the hero, and Guts will spit into destiny.
Where To Watch Berserk Online: Crunchyroll, Netflix, Funimation
Scariest Berserk Demons Ranked (2023)
11. Mozgus and His Disciples

Kentara Miura, the Berserk creator, never had a very subtle view. In this heavy metaphor, one of the world’s greatest evils is religious organizations. Father Mozgus served in Berserk’s interpretation of the medieval church in the Holy See.
Mozgus adopted people who had disfigured deformities for him in the service of the Lord. The action is torturous.
Mozgus was a fundamentalist and savaged the lives of people who were victims of crimes, including poverty and faithlessness.
He inflicted genuine pain upon people because the man believed intangible things.
You may even consider Mozgus, one of the demonic beings of the berserk universe in a human form willing to remove free will from the human world using immense power.
The idea of evil things does not necessarily mean a demon form. It can also be committed under the name of God’s work in this material plane amongst human beings.
Mozgus and his disciples have been doing the same to humanity.
10. Trolls
The Trolls are the creatures introduced from fantasy in Berserk when the gap between the physical and the celestial world becomes weak. These vicious woodland creatures invaded remote human communities.
They were notoriously tough on animals and demonstrated an ill-equipped skill with tools despite their animal-like appearance. The terror group killed women and their children in an attack on troll victims.
The monsters were also so terrible because they were so numerous. The trolling is hard but manageable. A force of monsters on the verge of destroying humankind.
The Trolls have been one of the pettiest demons without any Berserker armor or any skull knight guiding them in their destruction of every human being on the astral plane.
Devoid of their kingdom, these trolls, with their lips peeled, pass through places like the misty valley and destroy human life.
9. Demon Child
He became a half-human Apostle from Guts and Caska. Upon a storm, Caska’s demonic seeds polluted the area. This is what we call an actual miscarriage — a baby demon who follows the parents around, stalks them, and haunts their dreams.
While many horror films have monsters inspired by the universal truth, children can be terrifying. Most don’t even go far enough for them to chase an unnamed man into the demon fetus from a failing relationship.
The Demonic child was sacrificed for an act in an attempt to return Griffith to the role he played.
The Demon Child would be an apostle, even if he were only half-human. They eventually turn to hurt humans in the manga world, irrespective of their linkage with angels.
The idea of angels and demons has been explored in this regard and many other related topics.
They might not be at the same level as a black swordsman or black dog knight, but they certainly were no less than the snake lord himself.
8. Finitude
It makes a will and intention evil because the end is only finite; it will not go beyond the limits given to its finitude and will not be able to be surpassed unless the will is reformed.
Tell us the difference between good and evil in a world that’s so different if it’s not true? Is that possible? The finite notion is confined by boundless limits in an endless cycle of existence where everything lasts.
In its own right, the infinite doesn’t cause evil, but it is an essential thing that can result in the Absolute Good.
Demons like Witch Flora and Band of the hawk have an identity of their own. But unlike demonic apostles, Finitude does not have a concreteness to it.
It is a vice that exists and, like an arm cannon, shoots its decision in times of need. Unlike other apostles, Finitude bears no consequences as it is an emotional attribute.
7. Slan
She is a woman. All is there, the real human nature and the real nature of evil. Unlike Vamp, Slan is lascivious & prone to exploitation. Like the succubus demon and the sadomasochism, she is the most often encounter of the God Hand after Griffith and enjoys tormenting Guts personally.
She has created splinter cults that worship “the Blaze Goddess”. She looks almost nude with snakelike hair and a corset tucked behind her choker, large bat-sized wings, floppy limbs and a must-have feminine fatalness.
If she is a female demon, you may think she may look like a little girl. But she is more fierce than most apostles.
Her appearance is scary to the world’s humans and is torturous for her guts throughout its life. She may not be an apostle, but she is an incarnation of the idea of evil in the manga world.
6. The Beast of Darkness
Gut is a character who endures many hardships in his long life. His soldiers suffered terrible wounds, and he shared his suffering with other soldiers. Guts eventually lost all his affections, including his arm.
He became an angry and murderous warrior named the “Black Sword” and launched one-man battles against his apostles. He sank into anger.
The mission was over, but there was no end to that hatred. But the hatred continued to manifest as the Beast of Darkness, a canine embodied with the mind and body provoking him to attack anyone.
The Beast of Darkness is another of the important demons present in the Berserk world of manga comics and series. This character is the ultimate embodiment of the emotion of hatred felt in any being.
It becomes irrelevant if the character is an apostle or one of the guts. Any negative emotion that one holds on to for an extended period leads to the rotting of the soul and gives way to a demon of their own.
The Beast of Darkness is one such demon arising from the hatred of the Guts for apostles. This demon turns out to be a vicious figure gifted with a brain but only utilizes it for a negative purpose.
5. Ubik
The true one. “If we sacrifice, we must cut ourselves apart… “. Ubik’s bluish face carries atrophied tentacles. He’s smaller than Conrad, though remarkably the same appearance as Conrad.
Ubik’s most significant job as a Guitar Player is to play Mr Exposition to convince applicants of their acceptance through a breaking statement in which they face their pasts, dreams and darkest acts.
Because he always lies, his speech is often all that is necessary for someone who has no intention of lying.
There lies a fine line between lies and destructive lies. It is important to differentiate between them. And this manga series shows exactly how harmful it may get if one chooses to ignore it.
It holds the potential to become a vice of human nature which may eventually prove fatal for the person. The creators of Berserk draw up the character of Ubik to show the same to their readers and viewers.
Someone incapable of being true to themselves would probably end up as a victim of Ubik in the manga world and paying a heavy price for a small discrepancy that arose in their nature.
4. The God Hand
Everything flows in a causal flow with The God’s Hand as it is thousands. Is there a transcendental entity controlling humanity’s destiny? Is there something like God’s hovering over it? Or, Is there anything to be manipulated? – Vain The Big Bad Duumvirate.
They were humans before joining the Godhand, and it has been around since then, except for their fifth and newest member, Femto, which was born in Eclipse after the Golden Age Arc.
The Manga series also gives rise to philosophical questions, which probably bugs its viewers.
The question of the existence of God himself and the ones that accompany them. If it is so, then whose side do they belong to? Are they on the side of the good, as we have always considered them to be, or do they have a side of their own?
Probably evil! The creators of this manga series have been exceptionally creative in incorporating these ideologies in a form that the readers and viewers may enjoy.
The fight between the guts and the apostle has no end to it, and neither do the philosophical questions that hover in the manga series.
3. Gennon
One of the only human adversaries on that list, Gennon proved that sometimes human nature is more dark than merely evil. His duties were to guard the capital of Chuder. He was also surrounded by children serving him.
Everybody knew the predators’ appearance. Griffith was a young mercenary who slept early in his career and prostituted himself to a man in return for money.
The Berserk world of Manga shows demons as monsters and human traits that turn out to be harmful to humankind. Gennon is such representation.
We get to see how disgraceful a human might get if greed and money get the better of them, irrespective of their position.
Can you imagine how difficult it can be to corrupt a mercenary! Yet Gennon succeeds in doing so to make the person give in to the sin of lust in this Berserk universe.
2. Void (Boido)
God’s first. It is karma for man to accept sorcery to face fate despite its arbitrary nature. The head of this group, Void, also appears as an Arch-Nemesis of Skull Knight.
Able to control dimensions and the emptiness, he appoints all rituals affecting the new Apostle’s birth and a cursed mark for the people slated for sacrifice.
The wise member of the God Hand is equally cynical and scornful. It looks no less than an alien invasion.
The idea of evil they hold in their mind is worse than that of the five members of the God Hand, if not at par. Evil breeds in their veins, and even the hawk band are powerless in front of them.
The quarrel between the guts and every individual apostle may never end, but a similar can be said about the Void and its desire for destruction.
1. Apostles
The Apostles generally used Tropes with the moto, “I sacrifice.” The wailing of your soul, which the world’s gods never eased, opened the door to another dimension, or so it was believed. And the manga world promises you that it will transform you into a supernatural entity who cannot understand suffering and loss.
After reaching a Despair Event Horizon that activated their Beherit & brought the God Hand, the two negotiated with the Devil.
The word Apostle means “someone sent” in Greek. But just like the five angels of God’s Hand, the apostles also breaded the idea of evil without the Berserker armor.
Next to the kin of god, the set of these evil apostles are destructive to the core guts and hold a dislike for humanity at large.
This set of apostles has a different idea of outlook from Count’s Behelit affection for the Guts. Humanity is at constant risk in the Berserk universe by the presence of these demons with their idea of evil.
The universe of Berserk is filled with demons and villains, just like our own lives. And since we are the hero of our own lives, it becomes our responsibility to face them, fight them and defeat them, just like our protagonist of Berserk.
Whether the manga series is in a readable or viewable format, it has the same impact on its audience. The Villains of Berserk world serve a purpose that can only be found after you go through them.